Wednesday 6 May 2015


It's a new blog obviously. Because it's kinda creepy kat blog lama tu okay. Maklumlah rumah tinggal. Dah bersawang dan berlumut. Nanti kena panggil ustaz azan dulu halau hantu .

Actually I don't think I belong there anymore. Maklumlah masa tu angin tengah banyak. Darah muda (lah sangat) katakan. Now that i'm turning 40 this year, agak-agaklah kot kan. Hope I'll be more wiser and deep in my writing. Yes 40 really does something to me. Things that never bothered me before now have become my pet peeve. Patutlah mak2 suka bebel. Its hormonal rupanya. Now I know.

I started blogging in 2008. First blog was Awang Goneng. Then Kak Teh. After that one after another. Happening sungguh alam blog di kala itu. Kalau ada blogger tersohor meninggalkan jejak di blog kita ohhh sungguh teruja seperti melihat Adam Levine bukak baju di depan mata.From blogging came bonding. There used to be a lot of bloggers get together. New meaningful friendship bloomed from blogsphere. I have now segerombolan kawan-kawan baik dan sejati yang dah terlupa rupanya berkenalan melalui blog. Amazing. Now after a long holiday, Kak Teh juga yang membakar semangat menulis semula.

Walau apa pun I am so glad to see all the familiar names at Sentraal Station. Thank you Kak Teh & Co for bringing back the best of blogging world.

Once again, hi everyone. Hope to see everybody more frequently ya (cakap untuk diri sendiri).

*4 paragraphs for a start. Acilah lah kan. (Damn susah ya amat nak create blog baru). Please excuse rumah tak siap I ni ye. Renovation in progress.



  1. Welcome back Desert Rose!! Rumah belum siap tak pa. Esok-esok pi bubuh langsir, wallpaper, pipe in music...cunss lah jadinya tu.
    Oh ini taun empat plo arr? Mude lg tuh ;)

  2. Pelan2 leh reno kasi cun sis. Welcome back.

    1. Pelan2 kayuh ni yang takut tak sampai2 neh. Tq sis

  3. Congratulations! Not bad for a start at all ;)

  4. thanks for giving us your support dengan gigihnya. Selamat blogging untuk negara dan bangsa!

    1. Ok kak teh saya berikrar akan terus menulis dan lagi dan lagi

  5. Replies
    1. Kot minat sangat kat I tak yah la boh komen 2 x

  6. hallo hallo cik adik manis... rugged kasut!

    1. tsk tsk yeah in an attempt to look remaja. Remaja tak?
